The first number indicates the lower numbered cross street. Flickr/Susan NYCĪ Queens address tells you everything: All Queens addresses are written with three important pieces of information. QueensĮvery Queens address contains the number of the cross street, the house number and a street or avenue that can help determine where it is in the borough. Quentin is the name of the Road where Avenue Q should appear on the grid. The numbered streets that intersect the lettered Avenues run southeast and northwest. There is no Avenue Q: A large section of Brooklyn, from Prospect Heights to Sheepshead Bay, is laid out along avenues labeled with letters A to Z. Consult Google Maps to appreciate how cool this is!.Therefore, the cross street for 800 Eighth Avenue is 49th Street. For example, according to the table, for all addresses along Eighth Avenue, you add 9. Add or subtract the magic number from the quotient. Refer to the Manhattan Address Locator table (printed in telephone books, most New York guidebooks and also available online).Take the building number from the destination address, drop the last digit and divide by 2. For example, if you are trying to get to 800 Eighth Avenue, you would divide 80 by 2 which equals 40.It’s also great math practice for an elementary schooler: Manhattan Math Magic: This is a cool but not so convenient way to find the cross street for a Manhattan address. At least you’re guaranteed to see something interesting. If all else fails, ask someone how to get to Washington Square Park.If you’re lost in the Village and need to find your way back to the grid, you can trace West 11th or 12th Streets east or walk along Bleecker Street which veers back onto the grid at Sixth Avenue.Both Eighth and Ninth Avenues roll into Hudson Street, which then runs into TriBeCa.South of 14th Street, the street numbers give way to street names and the layout of the parallel streets skews to the southwest. Going off the grid: When the Commissioners’ Plan of 1811 implemented the grid plan for most of Manhattan, Greenwich Village did not conform to the new design.

With the exception of large cross-streets that run in both directions, even-numbered streets run one-way towards the east and odd-numbered streets run one-way towards the west. Streets always run east to west (crosstown). Remember, “Even = East”: All Avenues run north (uptown) to south (downtown).

Eye Sores and Eye Candy: The Impact of Zoning on NYC.Manhattan’s Master Plan: Why NYC Looks the Way it Does.