Yet it's the print version that mystifies and attracts my fascination. In a nod to our present digital age, World Book also offers its encyclopedia as a subscription service through the web. Its fiercest competitor of yore, The Encyclopedia Britannica, ended its print run in 2012 after 244 years in print. The company, a subsidiary of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, claims that its encyclopedia is "the only general reference encyclopedia still published today." My research seems to back up this claim, at least in English it's possibly true even for languages. first published an encyclopedia in 1917, and it has released a new edition almost every year since 1925. Students love these cards and I hope you will too.Further Reading Encyclopædia Britannica’s 2010 edition to be its lastīased in Chicago, World Book, Inc. The activity assessment at the end is really fun as students will have to flip through the different pictures and answer the questions. It’s a great resource and tool to have in any science classroom. These cards can be used as a classroom reference or each student can get a copy of their own. Students love these cards as they are fun to lean and showcase. These cards can be used individually or can be banded together to make a flip book as shown to the right. These cards are really fun and for a cheap price too.

There are guided tabs on most cards so it is easy to flip through the pages and know which stage of the cell division cycle you are at. There is an assessment flip book game at the end as well as graphic organizers throughout. Each step given is clear and gives easy to read examples. This activity flip book allows each step of these three significant features of cellular division to be learned in many different ways. I have dissected the cell cycle, mitosis, and meiosis in a way where it is visual and manipulative.

Over 60 pages of engaging activity filled cards are included in this flip book.